How GenAI Works in ServiceNow

Generative AI harnesses computer algorithms to produce fresh content across different formats like text, images, and code, unlocking countless possibilities for the Now Platform.

What can you do with AI?

Deliver better self-service

Ensure users access what they need through a 24/7 Virtual Agent that comprehends their requests in everyday language.

Detect major incidents

Promptly spot crucial issues by proactively recognizing similarities among open incidents or cases.

Route and prioritize work

Categorize requests to ensure that incidents, cases, and tasks are automatically routed to the appropriate team when needed.

Discover hidden patterns

Consistently group clusters of related items to reveal trends and identify the most promising opportunities for improvement.

Optimize knowledge bases

Reduce call volume and deflect tickets by identifying knowledge gaps and preventing the duplication of content.

Quickly identify opportunities to automate

Boost deflection rates while reducing mean-time-to-resolve (MTTR).

Recommend actions and deliver answers

Guide agents effectively by proposing pertinent tasks and content that expedite issue resolution.

Empower users with search

Achieve precise and pertinent search outcomes to enhance user satisfaction.

Supercharge productivity

Provide straightforward solutions to enhance efficiency for all individuals within every workflow.

How We Can Help

Start Your AI Journey Here

Ready to begin your journey with AI? FlightPath advisory focuses on getting crystal clear on business-IT alignment, priorities, and business and technology solutions from the outset.

  • Comprehensive Program Plan & Budgetary Cost
  • ServiceNow Solution Map
  • Clarity on Business Capability Requirements
  • Integration and Data Flow Architecture
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Frequently Asked Questions

What distinguishes AI from Gen AI in ServiceNow?

AI is a broad term for technologies that help machines do tasks that need advanced thinking. In ServiceNow, AI includes tools like predictive intelligence, document intelligence, and task intelligence. GenAI is a type of AI that creates new content from existing data. It is used in the Generative AI Controller and Now Assist.

What are some tips for successfully using Gen AI?

ServiceNow Gen AI stands out because it uses the Now LLM, a Large Language Model trained on specific data for better accuracy and cost-effectiveness. To use ServiceNow Gen AI successfully and responsibly, you need a strategic plan and a good understanding of the different AI features in ServiceNow.

How does ServiceNow promote responsible AI use with Gen AI?

ServiceNow ensures responsible AI use by focusing on data privacy, labeling AI-generated responses clearly, and tracking the sources of information.

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