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Template Configuration

### Overview
Templates are customizable forms for content items. Once configured by Administrators, Editors can produce templates in the Orbit Portal. Created templates can be utilized to create consistency across content items.

#### Template Configuration (Admins)
1. From ServiceNow, search sys_properties.list using the Filter Navigator in the left toolbar.

2. Set up a new System property by clicking New.

3. Input the following input fields:
* (a) Name - orbit.app_use_templates
* (b) Application - Create in Global scope
* (c) Description - Short description, not required
* (d) Type - Select True│False
(e) Value - Type True

Once inputs have been entered, click Submit

4. Search sys_template.list using the Filter Navigator in the left toolbar.

5. From the Templates list:
* (a) Right click the Table record
* (b) Select Configure
* (c) Select Table

6. From the Table record:
a. Click the Application Access tab.
b. Ensure that the following are checked:
* Can read
* Can create
* Can update
* Can delete
Click Update once complete.

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